
How to make Rice cake balls (白玉だんごの作り方)


I write down How to make Shiratama Dango (Rice cake balls)in English.


Shiratama-ko(白玉粉) 120g

Water(水) 120ml

★you can make about 20-30 balls.(約20~30コ分)


①Add water little by little to one portion of shiratama-ko and knead until soft like an earlobe.(分量の白玉粉に水を少しずつ加え、耳たぶ程度のやわらかさにこねる)

②Put the dough into thumb-sized balls and flatten the center.(生地を親指大に丸め、真ん中を平らにつぶす)

③Drop the balls into boiling water.(沸騰したお湯に団子を落とす)

④When they float, boil them for another 1-2 minutes and remove them in cold water soon.(浮いてきたらさらに1~2分間ゆで、すぐに冷水にとる)

★Do not leave the balls for a long time after boiling.(団子はゆでてから長く置かない)

⑤Drain the balls, and serve in a bowl.(団子の水気を切って、器に盛る)

===Now, decide toppings!===(トッピングを決めよう!)


Most standard…Syrup and fruit(スタンダード…シロップと果物)


Sugar(砂糖) 100g

Water(水) 300ml

Canned fruit you like. (e.g. mandarins,pineapples, peaches, cherries) (好きな缶詰の果物:例.みかん、パイナップルや桃、さくらんぼなど)


①Put sugar and water in a pan and heat. Let it cool down once it boils.(砂糖と水を鍋に入れ温める。ひと煮立ちしたら冷ます)

②Cut the fruits and mix them with syrup and rice cake balls softly. You can mix also canned fruit syrup if you’d like.(果物を切ってシロップと団子と一緒にやさしく混ぜる。缶詰果物のシロップも一緒に混ぜても良いです)

③Serve them in a bowl.(器に盛る)

Kinako and Anko(roasted soybean flour and red bean paste) (きな粉とあんこ)


Kinako(roasted soybean flour)(きな粉)


Anko(red bean paste)(あんこ)


①Mix Kinako and sugar. Taste and adjust the sweetness to your liking. (きな粉と砂糖を混ぜる。好みの甘さに調整してください)

②Put the balls removed from the cold water into ①. (団子を冷水から取り出して①に入れる)

③Serve them in a small plate and add Anko if you’d like.(②を器に盛ってあんこを添える)
